Science Logic IT Service Flow

Software as a Service

The project

ScienceLogic did a redesign of their old system. In fact, they reinvented themselves. With the current product, its use is only possible with the installation of software on the devices that need to be monitored. The current flow is aimed at being a self-service product for IT professionals so that they can, through network, install ScienceLogic on their devices in order to monitor them.

How it was done

As a senior UX designer working remotely, my tasks included:

  • Creation of a User Journey;
  • Mapping of most critical problems during the journey;
  • Creation of KPI's for the definition of success;
  • Design Sessions solution for each problem according to the KPIs;
  • Low resolution wireframes creation;
  • High resolution Prototypes creation according to the Design System;
  • Usability testing;
  • Constant improvement;


The KPIs set were:

  • Task completion rate;
  • Task time: 90 seconds average for the first service to be created.

They were met in the third iteration.